Weaving God’s Promises: Ages 10-15

In our youths’ formative years, God is actively at work in the formation of their lives. Meet in the annex/trailer Study at 10:30 a.m.
As they journey through the challenges of junior high and high school, they need people in their lives to help them explore and affirm God’s love and unique call to them.
Our Youth Ministry encourages faithful relationships between adults and youth. Young people value friendships with adults who listen to them and who are willing to stand with them and invite the question of where God is in their lives. Youth are encouraged to serve as acolytes or readers during the 10:00 a.m. worship service and join in fun outings and events throughout the year.
Throughout the year, our youth gather for events such as movie nights, service projects and diocesan mission trips to engage in fellowship, to promote God’s call to action by serving others and to create a sense of community among the youth within our church.
Becoming an Acolyte or Lector
This ministry gives our youth (3rd graders and above) the opportunity to be an integral part of our liturgy by lighting the altar candles, leading the procession into the sanctuary, and assisting the priest at the Eucharist. Training is provided.
Lectors, also called lay readers, give clear, articulate voice to the reading of the Old Testament and Letters of the New Testament, and lead the congregation in prayers of the people.
To learn how to become an Acolyte or Lector contact Mother Tracy.
Confirmation Classes
Confirmation is a time when our teens make a commitment to nurture their faith and the community makes a commitment to support their faith lives. Teens seeking to be confirmed must be baptized and attend a confirmation formation class. To learn more about confirmation, contact our church office.
As they journey through the challenges of junior high and high school, they need people in their lives to help them explore and affirm God’s love and unique call to them.
Our Youth Ministry encourages faithful relationships between adults and youth. Young people value friendships with adults who listen to them and who are willing to stand with them and invite the question of where God is in their lives. Youth are encouraged to serve as acolytes or readers during the 10:00 a.m. worship service and join in fun outings and events throughout the year.
Throughout the year, our youth gather for events such as movie nights, service projects and diocesan mission trips to engage in fellowship, to promote God’s call to action by serving others and to create a sense of community among the youth within our church.
Becoming an Acolyte or Lector
This ministry gives our youth (3rd graders and above) the opportunity to be an integral part of our liturgy by lighting the altar candles, leading the procession into the sanctuary, and assisting the priest at the Eucharist. Training is provided.
Lectors, also called lay readers, give clear, articulate voice to the reading of the Old Testament and Letters of the New Testament, and lead the congregation in prayers of the people.
To learn how to become an Acolyte or Lector contact Mother Tracy.
Confirmation Classes
Confirmation is a time when our teens make a commitment to nurture their faith and the community makes a commitment to support their faith lives. Teens seeking to be confirmed must be baptized and attend a confirmation formation class. To learn more about confirmation, contact our church office.