Our Mission & Values

The mission of St. John's is to love God and love neighbor as Jesus did: welcoming all, serving humbly, teaching compassion, and making no peace with injustice.
Our Values
Parish Profile
2025 Parish Profile
Our Values
- Welcome All: We strive to be a light of hope and are intentionally conscious of how our presence and activities outreach to our community and beyond.
- Journey with Christ: We walk with Jesus as our way of transforming our lives and spreading Jesus’ love in our parish family and in our community.
- Worship Joyfully: We worship with formational preaching, reflection time, uplifting music and song, and communion in a circle that welcomes all.
- Build Trust and Exercise Integrity: We endeavor to live our lives trusting in the Gospel for our Christian formation and healing as we live into a vision of “acting on God’s behalf.”
- Empower Parishioners: We follow our Christian values in how we live each day, offering all the freedom to grow their faith and equipping all for a life of service to others.
- Practice Reconciliation: We share the Gospel, and it deepens our understanding of Jesus’ teachings, informs how we work together, shows us how to forgive continuously, and helps us experience the joy of God’s love.
- Exercise Compassion: We reach out to those who are hungry, those who are homeless, those who are addicted, those who seek better language skills and those who seek healing and recovery.
Parish Profile
2025 Parish Profile
Our Vision for 2020-25
Lift Every Voice 2022 Survey Results Rope & Tent Vision June 2021 Update on Vision Plan Strategic Directions 2011 -2021 In 2018-2019, we went through a parish-wide discernment process, culminating in a vision of what we would like to see in place at St. John's in the next 3-5 years that was approved by the vestry in the summer of 2019. The ideas were grouped into five major categories:
The "Rope & Tent Graphic" above shows how we used the image of a rope and a tent to help us think about this vision -- the three strands are what holds our community together, and the foundation needed to support those ministries are the physical spaces (campus) and resources (financial and human). The three strands are: