Lift Every Voice Parish Survey, August 2022
Summary of the Survey
This summary is a milestone in the work of your Discernment Steering Committee. Presented
as a portable document format (PDF) file, the topics provided here are grouped by themes into
broad categories. While we understand that as a whole it is an immense amount of information
to try and assess, our goal ultimately is to coalesce our thoughts and desires into a parish plan
for ministry and campus development. It is built upon the work we previously did prior to
March 2020, which established our mission statement, identified our community values and
defined a strategic direction.
As you read the congregation’s responses, keep in mind the survey effort and then this
compilation document are but two steps towards determining what really speaks to the church
family and what we are called to do. It is a useful tool to understand our thoughts and
concerns, and should help us better understand which priorities and projects the congregation
supports as a whole.
We welcome you to review the results, note the highlights, identify notable trends and discuss
your conclusions with one another. The Discernment Committee has discussed the Lift Every
Voice data with your elected leadership, i.e. the Vestry and Rector. The Vestry decided to
ensure that this valuable data will be used going forward in our Discernment process and that
ultimately the Campus Development scenario will be built on it.
We look forward to your continued involvement. For now, please know that your voices have
been heard, your leadership is taking it seriously and our work will continue. Currently, this
mission of Campus Development is on hold, as the Parish embarks on the search for a new
Rick Becton, on behalf of the Discernment Steering Committee
(Rick Becton, Tom Butler, Maritza Medina, the Rev. Eliza Linley, & Antonette Wood,
working with consultant Linda Buskirk
Click here to download the 2-page summary by consultant Linda Buskirk of the Survey Results
Click here to download the Complete Summary of the Survey Results
This summary is a milestone in the work of your Discernment Steering Committee. Presented
as a portable document format (PDF) file, the topics provided here are grouped by themes into
broad categories. While we understand that as a whole it is an immense amount of information
to try and assess, our goal ultimately is to coalesce our thoughts and desires into a parish plan
for ministry and campus development. It is built upon the work we previously did prior to
March 2020, which established our mission statement, identified our community values and
defined a strategic direction.
As you read the congregation’s responses, keep in mind the survey effort and then this
compilation document are but two steps towards determining what really speaks to the church
family and what we are called to do. It is a useful tool to understand our thoughts and
concerns, and should help us better understand which priorities and projects the congregation
supports as a whole.
We welcome you to review the results, note the highlights, identify notable trends and discuss
your conclusions with one another. The Discernment Committee has discussed the Lift Every
Voice data with your elected leadership, i.e. the Vestry and Rector. The Vestry decided to
ensure that this valuable data will be used going forward in our Discernment process and that
ultimately the Campus Development scenario will be built on it.
We look forward to your continued involvement. For now, please know that your voices have
been heard, your leadership is taking it seriously and our work will continue. Currently, this
mission of Campus Development is on hold, as the Parish embarks on the search for a new
Rick Becton, on behalf of the Discernment Steering Committee
(Rick Becton, Tom Butler, Maritza Medina, the Rev. Eliza Linley, & Antonette Wood,
working with consultant Linda Buskirk
Click here to download the 2-page summary by consultant Linda Buskirk of the Survey Results
Click here to download the Complete Summary of the Survey Results