Serving in Worship
Worship is our human response to God. Our worship teams create sacred space and sacred sound, inviting us to encounter the Holy. Sunday worship is the most important communal act we do together as we celebrate our baptismal identities as people of God.
The Worship Committee This group acts as a planning and vision team for our Sunday and holy day worship. Open meetings are held once a month. Contact Debra Spencer for meeting time and place. |
Worship Teams
Worship teams lead us to experience the fullness of God’s grace and transformation. They are the Altar Guild, the Flower Guild, Acolytes, Chalice Bearers, Lectors and Ushers. Altar Guild The altar guild prepares for every Eucharistic service and ensures that the primary symbols – the bread and wine – are in place to be blessed, broken and shared. Following the liturgical seasons of Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Holy Week, Easter and Pentecost, the altar guild creates a setting appropriate to the season. Training is provided. Contact Kathy Butler. Acolytes
This ministry gives our youth (3rd graders and above) the opportunity to be an integral part of our liturgy by lighting the altar candles, leading the procession into the sanctuary, and assisting the priest at the Eucharist. Training is provided. Adult Choir
Music is an invitation into transformation. Music helps us pray, helps us reflect on the readings we have heard, shapes our faith and inspires praise of God. Our choir meets weekly for rehearsal and performs twice a month at the 10:00 service. Contact Andrew Carter for more information. Chalice Bearers
Chalice Bearers serve at the altar and share the wine of Holy Communion with worshipers. Training is needed and provided. Flower Guild
The flower guild shares their gift of design and color, bringing vibrant beauty into our worship space. Contact Kathy Butler to join the team. To make a gift of flowers in honor of a birthday, anniversary or in memory, contact the parish office. Lectors
Lectors, also called lay readers, give clear, articulate voice to the reading of the Old Testament and Letters of the New Testament, and lead the congregation in prayers of the people. Ushers
Greeters and ushers help all who come to St. John’s feel welcomed. They distribute the worship bulletins, direct members to seats or child care, pass the offertory plates and help to ensure that people know where to go to receive Holy Communion. |