In-Person Worship at St. John's
Check here for regularly-updated information about worship services that happen in-person at St. John's.
SUNDAY WORSHIPClick here to view the current Service Bulletins 8 a.m. - Holy Eucharist, Rite II (spoken)
Sanctuary (Indoors) The 8:00 service is spoken, with no music. We meet in person in the sanctuary. Masks are optional. Online attendance is possible through Zoom. (See Virtual Worship page for more info.) For more information on what to expect at our 8:00 service, see the 8:00 Sunday Service page. 10:30 a.m. - Holy Eucharist, Rite II with music
Sanctuary (Indoors) The 10:30 service includes music, with regular additions from Ann Thiermann on the organ, solos and special music, the St. John's choir and the St. John's hand chime choir. Masks are optional. Online attendance is possible through Zoom. (See Virtual Worship page for more info.) For more information on what to expect at our 10:30 service, see the 10:30 Sunday Service page. |
WEEKDAY WORSHIPFriday NoonTime Prayer - 12 p.m.
Back Patio (Outdoors) There is an in-person service of Noonday Prayer outside on the back patio at St. John's every Friday at noon. The back patio is to your left as you drive in the St. John's entrance, directly behind the small square building marked "Youth Center." Order of Service: BCP 103 Online: This service is led by Alliee DeArmond and happens year-round. Contact her with questions at [email protected]. |