Joining St. John's Episcopal Church

“The Episcopal Church welcomes you” is our denominational slogan, and indeed, we do! People come to the Episcopal Church from a variety of backgrounds — different denominations of Christianity, non-Christian religions, and no religious background at all.
People born and raised in the Episcopal Church — “cradle Episcopalians,” we call them — are becoming a smaller percentage of our total membership, as people join us from other traditions. Many people find the Episcopal Church to be a welcome refuge since our approach is open and welcoming of questions and doubts.
You are welcome to join us for worship anytime. We would love you to become an official member of the church. The path to membership is different for people in different situations.
1. If you are not already a Christian, we invite you to become one, and simultaneously, a member of St. John’s and the Episcopal Church, by being baptized. (Even if you already consider yourself a Christian, if you have never been baptized with water in the name of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), baptism is the means by which you would join The Episcopal Church.)
2. If you are already a baptized Christian but have not previously joined an Episcopal Church, we invite to speak to any clergy. We have periodic classes to learn more about the Episcopal Church and what makes us different from other branches of Christ’s one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church.
3. If you are already an Episcopalian, we invite you to transfer your membership to St. John’s from the most recent church where you were a member. Contact Chrys Sparks in the church office or call 831-708-2278 for a Letter of Transfer Request form that you can fill out and send to your previous church.
Preparation for Membership
September 2024 Inquirer’s Class
A class to explain or deepen knowledge of what it can mean to be a Christian in the Episcopal church:
In the absence of a Rector, Lay Members of the Adult Formation Team are organizing and teaching, with the help of our assisting clergy.
People born and raised in the Episcopal Church — “cradle Episcopalians,” we call them — are becoming a smaller percentage of our total membership, as people join us from other traditions. Many people find the Episcopal Church to be a welcome refuge since our approach is open and welcoming of questions and doubts.
You are welcome to join us for worship anytime. We would love you to become an official member of the church. The path to membership is different for people in different situations.
1. If you are not already a Christian, we invite you to become one, and simultaneously, a member of St. John’s and the Episcopal Church, by being baptized. (Even if you already consider yourself a Christian, if you have never been baptized with water in the name of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), baptism is the means by which you would join The Episcopal Church.)
2. If you are already a baptized Christian but have not previously joined an Episcopal Church, we invite to speak to any clergy. We have periodic classes to learn more about the Episcopal Church and what makes us different from other branches of Christ’s one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church.
3. If you are already an Episcopalian, we invite you to transfer your membership to St. John’s from the most recent church where you were a member. Contact Chrys Sparks in the church office or call 831-708-2278 for a Letter of Transfer Request form that you can fill out and send to your previous church.
Preparation for Membership
September 2024 Inquirer’s Class
A class to explain or deepen knowledge of what it can mean to be a Christian in the Episcopal church:
- exploring our Baptismal Covenant and our Book of Common Prayer, and their foundations in creeds and bible.
- offering some history and organization of the Episcopal Church
In the absence of a Rector, Lay Members of the Adult Formation Team are organizing and teaching, with the help of our assisting clergy.