Events & Happenings
Pastoral Care @ St. John's
Win Fernald, Senior Warden
For the next few months, we are watching out for each other and wish to hear from you if you need help or support. We will do our best to respond on a timely basis.
Always call 911 in an emergency situation that requires immediate assistance from police, fire department or ambulance!
But if you need help or are in the hospital or if you know a St. John’s person who needs assistance or is in the hospital, please call one of the wardens, call one of the Assisting Clergy or leave a message at the Church Office. The people who may be contacted are listed below:
- Win Fernald, Warden: (831) 251-6820
- Anne Baker, Warden: (831) 334-0362
- Church Office: (831) 708-2278
- Fr. John Duncan: (831) 763-7428
- The Rev. Mary Craig Caruthers (229) 672-3300
- Amma Eliza Linley: (510) 847-3642
- The Rev. Mary Lou McKenney: (831) 763-2692.
During this time without an Interim Pastor we are watching out for each other. St. John’s has always been good at that.
Sundays at 9:00 - Adult Formation (Bible Study)
During the 9:00-10:15 formation hour, we’ll offer an opportunity for those who are interested in going deeper to attend sessions on a variety of aspects of the passages being read each Sunday. (Debra Spencer).
Inquirer’s Class!
Sept 8 through Oct 6
Sunday afternoons, 2:30-5 p.m. in the Cafe
by Sherrie DeWitt, Adult Formation Team
The class will explain or deepen knowledge of what it can mean to be a Christian in the Episcopal Church and provide connections to our parish and the people in it.
The class has been formed, and will be meeting Sunday afternoons, 2:30-5, beginning, August 24, skipping Sept 1, (to enjoy Labor Day Weekend) and continuing from Sept 8 through Oct 6. We will meet in the Café area and will also be on Zoom for some participants.
Pray for us!
A special prayer has been inserted into the Prayers of the People in every Sunday bulletin through Oct 13, which is included here:
Bless & guide those embarking on a time of Inquiry,
Jenny. Sarah, Phil, Mark, Carol, Bob, Elaine, Jacklyn, Renee, & Kate,
& bless & guide their teachers & companions.
If you have questions, contact us- the team planning & presenting:
- Sherrie DeWitt, 20 years of experience with RCIA, the precursor of this class.
831-345-0514 (text ok) [email protected] - Liz Lindsley, Certified Spiritual Director,
1-510-316-3494 (text ok) [email protected] - Susan Von Schmacht, seminary graduate,
[email protected] - Debra Spencer, retired teacher, BA in religious studies and English from UCSC
831-426-0964 (land line) [email protected]
2024 Seacliff Beach Cleanups:
- 10/05/2024
Choir Practices:
- St. John's Choir - Wednesday @ 1:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
- Chime Choir - Friday @ 10:30 a.m. in the Music Room of the Office Trailer.
Association of Faith Communities (AFC) Update
Courtney Barrett, the AFC Program Manager, Matt, our Sexton and Win, our Senior Warden met to review the overnight program for our guests at St. Johns on Saturday nights.
The following are important dates:
St. John's WILL NOT be used to host FCS on the following dates:
- November 2, 2024 (Elections)
- the last two weeks of December 2024
- the first two weeks of January 2025
- All of the month of February 2025
We also remain a backup location for Tuesday nights if Resurrection Catholic Church needs to be used to house local evacuations due to flooding or fires.
Shower Trailer at St. Johns
by Brian Raney
• Saturdays from 10 am - 4 pm
• Tuesdays from 1:30 - 7 pm
Starting this Saturday (9/21) and continuing every Saturday & Tuesday for the foreseeable future we will be hosting the Mid-County Homeless Coalition's shower trailer on the campus of St. John's that was formerly hosted at Resurrection. The trailer itself will be parked next to the office trailer for most of the week with a port-a-potty immediately next to it that is there continuously, but will be locked except during shower hours. The customers of the shower will most likely distribute themselves around the campus waiting for their turn at the shower or just enjoying a safe space to chill. (Some of them are quite messy.)
Of course the unhoused deserve our love and compassion, but a few of them will almost inevitably seek to take advantage of our generosity. This group of people is not highly vetted like our overnight shelter guests and Resurrection has had some trouble caused by folks who take advantage of people who lead with generosity.
We are likely to see an uptick of mess and loitering. Probably we'll see people charging their cell phones with our outlets & washing things with our readily available water. We may witness some loud disagreements. In my experience the unhoused folks will avoid the parishioners, but there are a few of them who are deeply troubled and do not always follow rules. There are people among these folks who are NOT like the shelter guests who are largely docile. We would certainly not expect any violence, but there can be a distinct lack of docility.
Personally, I love these people, and I hope that we can gracefully deal with this new challenge to our compassion for the unhoused.
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
2024 Meetings
11:45 - Third Wednesday of the Month
September 25 • Therapy Dogs in Hospitals - Wendy Stevens
Pot-Luck at 11:45 am
October 16 • Ukrainian Doctor - Gina Muller
November 20 • Art Tiles - Karen Greenleaf
December 18 • Lunch Out
For more information contact The ECW Board:
Karen Greenleaf <[email protected]>, Barbara Raney <[email protected]>, Alliee DeArmond <[email protected]>
The Helpful Shop Jewelry Event!!Sept. 26 - 29Thur., Fri., Sun. Noon-4 p.m. | Sat. 10:30 a.m.- 6 p.m.
246 Center St., Seacliff in Aptos
Sexton Fund: Donations Welcome!
Matt, our very own Sexton & his family have been given an opportunity to start a new business in Downtown Santa Cruz - Heavenly Crepe Cones - in the food kiosk, outside of BookShop Santa Cruz. Their son, Simon McCabe, is an experienced chef and will be putting in the hours to get it going, while they continue to live and volunteer here at St. John's.
As you know, starting a new venture can be very expensive, and they are asking for a little financial assistance to get up & running. They would so appreciate it if you have any funds available, no matter how small, that you can share to help their new undertaking. The details:
- Please write checks payable to our Sexton, Matheu (with a "u") McCabe.
- Mail to "Sexton Fund" St. John's at 125 Canterbury Dr., Aptos CA 95003
- or give anything you wish to Matt or Patricia in person.
This year’s Diocesan Convention will be held online on
Sat., Nov. 9, 2024.
The theme is: Believing, Belonging, Beloved.
Call for Nominations and Resolutions
The Call for Nominations for diocesan leadership positions is available HERE with descriptions of the available positions; it includes links to online nomination forms HERE. Applications for candidacy for Diocesan Offices are accepted through 5 p.m. on September 30, 2024.
The Call for Resolutions is available HERE with full details.
Resolutions are due September 10
Rector Transition Committee
by Rick Becton, Rector Transition Committee Chair
The Rector Transition Committee is as follows:
• Andy Pudan
• Antonette Wood
• Barbara Raney
• Bill Kell
• Chris Rowen
• Liz Lindsley
• Renee Roberts
• Rick Becton - Chair
• Tom Butler
• Wendy Stevens
The early part of the team’s work will be drawing from our church family the issues, concerns and priorities that are important to us, and to discern why we are motivated to serve our community. As we take our first steps forward, I thank the committee in advance for their work helping our church seek new leadership.
Report to Parish 24 March 2024
Follow the latest news about services on the Virtual Worship page.