The Aptos Keyboard Series proudly presents highly acclaimed Korean pianist Ko-Eun Yi, winner of the Concert Artists Guild Competition. “...a fantasy world of shimmering sounds and colors...flawless and dazzling...” Ko-Eun has earned praise for playing with “élan and fire and a surplus of bravura technique” (Cincinnati Enquirer). She has garnered numerous top prizes in her young career, including First Prize victories at the World Piano Competition in Cincinnati and the Wideman International Piano Competition in Jackson, Mississippi (both in 2010). The Washington Post applauded her recent debut recital in DC: “a masterful technician … Her finger-work was immaculate, inner voices were keenly drawn out, and there was no lack of power when needed.” Ko-Eun will perform works by Scarlatti, Debussy, Beethoven and Liszt.
Scarlatti (1685 - 1757) - Sonata in c-sharp minor K.247
Debussy (1862 - 1918) - Suite bergamasque I. Prelude (4min) II. Menuet (4min) III. Clair de lune (5:30min) IV. Passepied (4min) Beethoven (1770 - 1827) - 32 Variations in C minor ----------------------------Intermission--------------------------------- Liszt (1811 - 1886) Sonata in b minor |
125 Canterbury Drive Aptos, CA 95003 |
Sundays, 8 a.m. Holy Eucharist, in person & online Sundays, 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist, in person & online Mondays, 4:30 p.m., Evening Prayer, online Mon-Fri, 10 p.m., Compline, online Fridays, 12 p.m., NoonTime Prayer, in person See Virtual Worship & In Person Worship pages for more information. |